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Laws on unemployment, family allowances and work injury were enacted in Morocco before independence in 1956. The regulatory framework on sickness and maternity and old age, disability, and survivors was introduced in 1959. Social assistance started with the introduction of the Cash Transfer for Children in 2008 with an aim of reducing attrition from and dropout rates in schools. In 2017, the programme had 716,350 participants. In 2015, another social assistance programme, the Direct Assistance to Widows in a Precarious Situation with Dependent Children was introduced to improve the living conditions of children and their widowed mothers living in hazardous conditions. The programme started with 47,453 participants. The government of Morocco fully funds its social assistance programmes and as at 2015, the social assistance expenditure was 0.11 percent of GDP.
Social Protection policy/Strategy |
Social Assistance Policy/Strategy |
Social Assistance in Social Protection policy/strategy |
1 = Health Coverage 2 = Reasonable standard of living 3 = Food security 4 = 1&2 5 = 1&3 6 = 2&3 7 = 1,2&3 8 = other